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"IM Fine"

Choreography by Ruby Messina

With collaboration by Kennedy Villegas


The dance is a Contemporary ballet-modern,

performed to inspired music artists Apashe, High Klassified,

Cherry Lena’s: “I’m Fine” original song but with a

mixed introduction also outro remix song by artist

IMANU’s remix of “I’m Fine”.

The whole concept of the dance intertwined with the

music is also inspired by “Swan Lake” & the “Black


There is a white swan who is whole hardly innocent,

and a black swan who is experienced. The white

swan is then influenced by the black swan, noting

she is not perfect as she attempts to make the

unperfect, perfect. In the end, she realizes how

similar she is to her offense.

R&K Company / Production

Director Statement

“I call it how it is! As a director, I define most of my creations through editing. While on stage I do pre-plan accordingly, but I like to explore the frame options with my cinematographer. Working with Joshua Thomas (Cassanova Films), I was able to only suggest to him three frames specifically and he implemented his own ideas without questioning. The production only took a few hours to film with costume changes, make-up, emphasis on solo parts, emphasis on partner parts specifics to lifting or turns, and prop setting. The production planning itself, the rehearsals, and management took almost a year and a half. As a choreographer, I began exploring movement that best represented me at the time. The reasons behind the song choice, I felt connected to it by experience and mixing the remix version, the music felt appropriate in continuing the rhythmic flow or choreographic contribution. The music, gave it a story alone at its rhythmic points; from "staring at the bottom" (slow) a sense of despair or loss to a more upbeat in tempo growth, expressing evolutionary progression and a more controlled state of focuse-ness. Combing with choreography, you can say it was based on a lyrical state of dance. I am a creator who does not find attachments through lyrics. My norm is to escape the lyrical perspective because by my definition music can be interpreted in many ways. It takes a lot for a song artist to be able to verbally depict and describe their personal attachments by words alone; its ten times that for a dancer and for my creations I naturally like to draw the line outside the words to follow or the mental comparison because as beings we usually grow close to the things we recognize or attach to(o). I don't believe in having bad habits but we have them and my notion to connect with a song that I can feel expresses what I maybe going through or what I am feeling at the time is never at that moment for me. It's almost like Ive been there or done that before, so I already know and my body can express it best when my mind finds clarity. The music just landed at my feet out of no where and we just flow, "it was really what it was"; the story of my life in the last 7-10 years and I was not alone because my dance partner Kennedy Villegas, had gone through a similar perspective too. “ -Ruby Messina

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